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About the festival

Kristiansand International Children´s Film Festival is one of the biggest cultural events for children and youth in Norway, and the only film festival of that size targeting young audiences. So get your accreditation and come join the fun.

Each year we show around 100 quality films from all over the world. We also arrange an extensive industry program with workshops and masterclasses and a lot of other activities for both children and industry. So come see us, you won´t regret it!

Since the festival started in 1998, it has grown into a celebrated event that children in all ages look forward to every year. Our audience numbers ranges between 15. - 18.000 each year, in addition we are visited by people from both national, and international film industry.

The festivals main target group is children between the ages of 6 – 13 years, but we also have an exciting film program for young people from 14+.

Our film program consists of both feature films, short films and documentaries, and the audience gets a chance to meet filmmakers and actors in Q&A sessions.

If you have any questions, please contact us at: