This Oscar-nominated documentary is a poignant, raw, surprisingly funny, and heartbreaking story of a mother who loses two of her daughters to ISIS. Filmmaker Kaouther Ben Hania has created a completely unique cinema experience by using real people and professional actors. An intimate journey of hope, rebellion, violence, transmission, and sisterhood that will question the very foundations of our societies.
Four Daughters
Oscar-nominated documentary that leaves a deep impression
- Nation
- France, Tunisia, Germany, Cyprus
- Language
- Arabic, French, English
- Subtitle
- English
- Censorship
- 12+
- School
- High school
- Original title
- Les Filles D'olfa
- Director
- Kaouther Ben Hania
- Year
- 2023
- Category
- Documentary
- Duration
- 1t 47m
- Genre
- Documentary
Feature film
When his father decides to move from the Netherlands to a posh gated community in Istanbul, 14-year old Zeki befriends
12+ 1t 24m